FastCut for Creators

Grow your audience with high quality shorts 🚀

Automate the manual and tedious editing work using FastCut so you have more time to focus on the creative aspect of making better content :) Supercharge your video creation journey today.

Videos created with FastCut have a 60% higher chance of going viral. 🚀

Why choose FastCut?

Why choose FastCut?

FastCut is helping Creators succeed 🚀

Reels made using FastCut perform better 📈

Reels made using FastCut perform better 📈

Reels made using FastCut perform better 📈

Videos edited using FastCut get more engagement on social media due to captivating text animations and brolls.

Videos edited using FastCut get more engagement on social media due to captivating text animations and brolls.

Videos edited using FastCut get more engagement on social media due to captivating text animations and brolls.

Lot of time & money saved 😎

Lot of time & money saved 😎

Lot of time & money saved 😎

FastCut takes seconds to edit your video and costs less than 1/20th of what any good editor would charge while maintaining the same professional quality.

FastCut takes seconds to edit your video and costs less than 1/20th of what any good editor would charge while maintaining the same professional quality.

FastCut takes seconds to edit your video and costs less than 1/20th of what any good editor would charge while maintaining the same professional quality.

Growing community of creators and editors 🫂

Growing community of creators and editors 🫂

Growing community of creators and editors 🫂

Great support from community as well as after sales support. Our goal is to help you succeed as a creator and we're always welcoming if you need any help with that.

Great support from community as well as after sales support. Our goal is to help you succeed as a creator and we're always welcoming if you need any help with that.

Great support from community as well as after sales support. Our goal is to help you succeed as a creator and we're always welcoming if you need any help with that.

See features

FastCut helps you to make viral, engaging reels in seconds using AI.

Takes 1 click & 30 seconds 🚀

Takes 1 click

& 30 seconds 🚀

The fastest way to make engaging reels.

20 Languages Supported

See the full list in the section below.


FastCut uses AI to understand video context and applies relevant broll from Pexels stock footage library.

Trending Templates

Trending Templates


Retention to the 🚀



Beautiful & Intuitive UI 😊

Designed for creators, not for editors.




Have questions? We have answered some here.

Have questions? We have answered some here.

Have questions? We have answered some here.

Why should I use FastCut?

Do I need to have prior editing experience?

What if I purchase a plan and I'm not satisfied?

Help! My question is not here.